Wednesday 5 December 2012

Casting Workshop

I found the casting workshop very useful and interesting. It was helpful to see how different people portrayed the same characters. It was clear that some people interpreted them in very different ways but were equally effective. By watching other people it made me think how I would act certain characters and what I would add/change to make the performance even stronger. I just read the part of Jan in two different scenes. One was the opening scene, with just one other character and the other was a group scene. I wanted to play Jan because I thought she was an intriguing and essential character in the play. I liked the scenes in which she was in and how she opens the whole play with - Dead? Participating in the workshop was both daunting but exciting at the same time. There was a very supportive atmosphere which made it much easier to go up in front of everyone and perform. It was fun to take direction and rehearse the same scene as the same character but interpret it in a different way each time to show that there are many possibilities in just saying the most simple of lines. I think Romy and Beau impressed me the most for two different reasons. It was clear that Romy had rehearsed her monologue and the real raw emotion shone through her performance as Leah. Her tone was very naturalistic and her body language was suited to the character. Beau stood out to me because of his use of voice. Every time he performs he immediately engages the audience because of his authoritative tone and believable facial expressions.

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