Wednesday 5 December 2012

Physical Theatre - Day In The Life Of

In our afternoon session we participated in an exercise involving picking a character from the play and spending a day in their lives. You had to bare in mind the tiny physical details e.g. the way they walk and eat as well as what they do in an average day.
I chose Leah because you can gather a lot of information from the script about what type of person she is.
I chose to portray her as a very dependant, thoughtful, insecure type of girl that always seemed to be worrying about something. She was a dreamer that was out of touch with reality most of the time. I imagined that she had agreed to meet Phil before school in the near-by park just to talk. She was obsessing over her hair and make-up before she left the house and didn't eat breakfast because she was too scared about looking 'bloated'. She liked everything to be in place and neat. She brushed her teeth for over 5 minutes and straightened her hair for over half an hour. She would often just stand there twiddling her long hair staring into space, just thinking. Then she would suddenly remember what she was doing and frantically rush to get it done. I pictured her wearing pink and blue floral tights with a long floaty white skirt that blew in the wind. On her top half she would wear a purple top with a rainbow on it. On her feet would be purple doc-martins or creepers, depending on what mood she was in. Today she would pick creepers. She would never wear a coat or jumper to keep warm because she never really felt cold.
I showed Leah arriving at the park but Phil wasn't there. She waited and waited but he didn't come. School had started but she didn't care. All she cared about was waiting for Phil, hoping he would turn up with an amazing excuse why he was so late. She sat under a tall oak tree where the sun shone through so the light beams were surrounding her. After waiting for another hour, she walked to the shop and bought a bag of cashew nuts that she would eat for lunch. She ate very slowly, like a wood-land creature, taking many bites out of just one cashew. She then received a text from Phil saying he couldn't make it. She started to laugh at the text because she thought she was crazy to think he would in the first place. It was 2 o'clock by now and she wandered around for a bit, staring at people and thinking what kind of lives they were living, where they happy? At 3 o'clock she waited outside school to look for Phil. He was no-where to be seen. She called him over 8 times but it just rang and rang. She eventually just gave up and went home to an empty house, her mum was usually only back at around 9.She made herself a microwave macaroni and cheese and watched TV for 2 hours. She called Phil every time there was an ad-break. She went to her room at 9'oclock and read her book (Junk) until 10. When her mum still wasn't back she switched out her light and tried to fall asleep. She lay there, eyes open, dreaming about what might happen in the future and what Phil was doing right at that moment. It was just after 1'oclock when she finally fell asleep, curled up in a tight ball.

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