Tuesday 12 February 2013

Final Rehearsal!

Today we did our final rehearsal in costume. Romy Eloise and I decided that the character of Leah should be in uniform because we can make subtle changes to each of our outfits but still look the same. We are wearing - grey skirt, white shirt, black tights and a green tie to show we are from the same school. Each of our shoes are different to show that although we are the same character we have different styles and characteristics.

Our run through today was the best-yet because only a few people needed prompting with lines and everyone had energy and enthusiasm. We had all the sound effects and the projections of the text messages worked really well. The only thing that I think would improve our performance is if the opening sequence had more pace but on the night because everyone will be high on adrenalin I think it will look very effective.


1. Make sure all lines are learnt!

2. Que-bite to make the scene flow and seem natural

3. Analyse script fully to develop the character to its full

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