Tuesday 12 February 2013

Rehearsal 6

Today we did another run through and focused mainly on one of our scenes -the suffocation scene. We are using a real plastic bag and JJ's head is completely covered which makes it look incredibly realistic. We tried to build a climax in the scene with me repeating the word 'Phil' getting louder and more desperate until he finally let go of the bag. The scene defiantly improved but was slightly hindered by some people not knowing their lines.

The group of Leah’s also had to come up with a text they would send to another character that would come up on the projector during the opening sequence. It was an obvious choice that Leah would send her text to Phil. We made sure it sounded clingy and on-edge resulting in the audience immediately getting that impression of the character Leah. Even the little detail of having a heart next to Phil's contact name shows the relationship between the two characters.

Our Text Message:

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