Tuesday 12 February 2013

Rehearsal 5

Today we did a staggered run through and thought about the changeover moments change. I think Leah's changeover looks very clear and effective because we can use the backpack's straps to quickly swap and then walk off stage left and stage right so it shows the characters have changed. The audience will understand that we are the same character because we have the same object as well as remembering that we were in the same group for the opening sequence.

The run through was very good practise but it lacked pace and energy because some people did not know their lines well enough. It is clear that once you have learned your lines, it will benefit not only you but the whole scene.


1. LEARN LINES and ques

2. Make sure I stay in character on stage even if I am not speaking

3. Develop character even more - subtle characteristics, costume?

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