Wednesday 21 November 2012


A backstory is everything a character has experienced and gone through up to the point where they come on stage. It is so important for an actor to understand the backstory of their character because it enables them to unlock feelings on the inside and think about what they are saying and not just deliver the lines with no meaning. By knowing the backstory of your character you feel like you know them better as people and can think about their experiences and what they go through in every-day life and apply it to the way they act. 
We did a snap-shot of Brian's every-day life which resulted in us gaining a deeper understanding of why he is the way he is. Our snap-shot showed that he lived with his father who was a widower and his 4 sisters. Being the only son, there was a lot of pressure for him to be a certain way coming from his Father. His father wanted him to be a tough man not a weak boy and treated him like s stranger he despised. Whenever Brian would come to him for help or advice, his father would just insult him and tell him how worthless he was and how he shouldn't be making mistakes in the first place. He wanted Brian to be more thick-skinned like him, but instead he was just making him insecure and more sensitive. This resulted in Brian crying all the time because he can’t show any emotion at home so he would let it out any time he could.  
Another group focused on the character of Leah. Their piece showed that she didn’t only long for Phil's attention but she craved her family’s and other friends too. The scene showed her trying to get the attention of her parents before they went out and left her alone. She did this by trying to talk to them about something that applied e.g. mum - make-up, dad - TV but she would still not get a reaction.  She would then call her peers so she didn’t feel so alone but no one wanted to speak to her. It then became clear that the reason why she is so needy and constantly longing for attention in the play is that Leah was neglected by everyone around her. It was very interesting and helpful to know that even by seeing a short snap- shot, it made you realise that the character's backstory is a crucial part in who they are.

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