Friday 30 November 2012

Non-verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is communicating in a form other than spoken words, such as gestures, facial expressions or body language.
I worked with Mia to create a non-verbal scene portraying someone being told that a member of their family had passed away. I was waiting nervously for any news, biting my nails to show anxiousness and to create a tense atmosphere. Mia walked in and broke the news to me just by making eye contact and resting her hand on my shoulder. We stared at eatch other for a few seconds and then Mia stepped towards me to try and give me a hug. I did not move and my hands stayed by my side as if I couldn’t move because I felt so shocked.
We made sure that the scene was truthful by making sure there was no chance of it looking over-acted or forced. This resulted in us just using eye contact and a hug at the end instead of me breaking down or getting angry. We made sure our facial expressions were not exaggerated by mostly using our eyes to convey emotion. We made sure that our body language was naturalistic by not using big gestures.
I thought Ursula's and Tyler's piece was very effective because they made their scenario different to everyone else's (a break up instead of a death). They made their body language very subtle e.g. touching each other’s hands and when they made eye-contact you could really connect with what they were feeling just from looking at their facial expressions.

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