Tuesday 20 November 2012

Brian's Song

I have picked this song because I think it sums up the character of Brian very well. It has a very strong sense that the character is extremely sad and almost numb. 'All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces' describes how everything around him seems to be drained of happiness and has no life in it anymore. Even though the lyrics 'Going nowhere, Going nowhere' describe other people, I think it also reflects what he feels about himself and the way his life is going which can be related to Brian. As if, after what happened with Adam everything stopped, froze almost, and changed something inside him. 'Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow, no tomorrow, no tomorrow' describes how Brian feels ashamed and regretful about what he is done and wants to be rid of this terrible despair but the only way of doing that would be to die. The lyrics 'and I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I’ve ever had' sum up that Brian is a bit unhinged and finds certain things funny that others would find odd. People would see him as unstable because of his thoughts and what he says but it is all because he is scared and hurting inside. 
I picture Brian having this view on life as a result of witnessing and being a part of the traumatic event with Adam. I think he was most affected by it and by the end of the play it states that he is on stronger medication which made me think of madness and this song came to mind.

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