Wednesday 28 November 2012

Nature V Nurture

 I honestly think there is not a nature vs. nurture, they both work together with one another and with many other aspects of our lives. We are born blank slates in a way, open to everything around us (people, places and things) and once we become aware we then begin to decide for ourselves what we like and dislike. This goes on throughout our lives. Nature and nurture are there at the beginning, even before we are aware of them. We cannot choose what we are born into but we can choose who will guide us in our lives. A small part of our lives we can blame on others at the start of our lives but after a certain age we and our awareness have the ability to choose whether or not even those individuals will have influence on us. We choose who we are meant to be, we choose the environment we stay in and we choose the people we are around. Therefore, we choose the path we want to follow which results in us choosing who we are. 

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